The world is facing an Economic crisis on the one hand and on the other Global Warming. These are all created by human beings. Day by day human beings are becoming selfish and they cruelly act with nature. These are the initial stages of disaster. The environment is getting polluted day by day and some industries are also suffering losses. The reason for all this is the lack of spirituality. We have to become good human beings. Spiritual thinking makes us good human beings. Spiritual outlook helps us to attain progress in our activities and lead a successful life. Everybody should have faith in God and lead a peaceful life. It is possible by devoting few hours in a day for performing Dhyana, Yoga and Pranayama. We should start our day by worshipping God which leads to attain concentration, peace of mind and success in our days activities.

"MANA EVA MANUSHYANAM KARANAM BANDHA MOKSHAYOHO" - As this Sanskrit Sholka says, the cause for the feeling of imprisonment and freedom is the human mind. To control this mind one has to practice God inspired Dhyana, Yoga Pooja etc. and get a sense of fulfillment in life.
India is a nation of Temples and Spirituality. Therefore the whole World is looking towards India in search of peace.

“By seeing God in every Human being
one attains fulfillment in Life”
– Shri Vajradehi Swamiji




Vajrabhanu Prakashana

These books help to eradicate darkness from the minds of the people and enlighten them to lead a peaceful and successful life. These books provided freely to interested..

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